Wednesday 21 January 2015

­­I have produced (for studio brief two), three ten seconds animation, (for studio brief 3) three A4 prints, six A5 prints and three fabric prints onto bags based on a book by Neil Gaiman called “M is for Magic”.

This module has helped me to gain a lot of skills, for example I am not allowed to use bright colours (as I always do) because my themes are ‘dark’ and ‘weird’. I had to use dark colour schemes and have to illustrate different objects as I normally do.  I found it was difficult at first but after my tutor gave me some advice (he advised me to use monochrome and grey colour as well as using charcoal), it became easier and easier. I started to realise that this module makes the colour for my current personal illustrations duller which is good and weird at the same time.

This module had also taught me to be as specific as possible. For example if I want to get reference images for a clown, I need to write ‘scary clown’ as if I search only ‘clown’ then happy clowns will pop out.  I think I have developed organisational skills by using a timetable and creating to do lists. I have also learnt new ways to illustrate by drawing from quotes and key motives from books.

I have experimented with a lot of techniques, medias and processes and I have learnt a lot.
For example I have experimented with lino, mono, etching, screen print, fabric print, After Effects, Photoshop as well as traditional collage by using charcoal, coloured pencils, marker pens etc Charcoal used to be my least favourite because it is quite messy but now charcoal is my favourite media. I like the texture that it creates. I believe charcoal suits my theme for this module.

One of the most exciting activities in this module is animation. I think it is amazing to see my illustrations move and come to life especially by adding some sound in After Effects. Of course it tested my patience and took longer than I thought but whenever I look back at the final outcomes, I think all the hard work paid off. My first and second ten seconds animation work every well but I do not think my third one do, I think to improve this I might have to add some hands at the end of the animation with the feet hanged.

I wish I had discovered fabric printing sooner as I really enjoy the methods and technique compared to screen print. I think I follow the feedback from the crits too much. I think before I make decisions (especially for producing my final designs), I need to think deeply. I am looking forward to doing more fabric printing for my next module.

I think I lack  visual experimentation for studio brief 1. I have made a lot of sketches but not finally refined illustrations as most sketches went to studios brief two and three. I think my final fabric print (a house with chicken leg) is not centered. To be honest I don't think my illustrations for printed picture work very well printed on a piece of paper because they are too simple but work well on fabric, but at least it communicates the book as I have used the main character from each of the short stories. My patterns that I did early on in this module didn’t work so I had to decide quickly on something else for my final product in the last few minutes. I had to keep changing my final products, and then at the end of this module, all my final products are so different from my proposal for studio briefs two and three.

The strength for my final outcomes is that I managed to use dark colours to suit the theme. They also portray the key elements from each of the short stories in “ M is For Magic”.

For my next modules, I want to do fabric print, create illustrations that can communicate messages by not using any texts, explore more animation techniques by using After Effects and other animation software, experiment with lines instead of shapes, use different medias especially wet medias like ink and paint.

Lastly, I am amazed that I didn't use Illustrator at all for this brief I’m sure you know that I was obsessed with it last year.

Project Proposals.

Moving pictures

 Printed pictures

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Final 10 seconds animation.

The Case of Four and Twenty Blackbirds

The Case of Four and Twenty Blackbirds from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

Jack In The Box

Don't Ask Jack from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

The Witch's Headstone
The Witch's Headstone from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

Final Printed Pictures.

My three A4 final prints

My six A5 final prints

My 3 final bag prints

These are my final designs which are prints on paper and fabric. I prefer the bag prints because I think it have more purpose compared to the prints onto papers. I had to change the colour schemes slightly because I used white background (as for my previous pattern I used dark background so I used  white and blue/red/green). So I decided to choose black to suit with the theme.  If I had more time I want to start again, I want to change my idea. I want the viewer to get the message straight away whenever they look at my illustration.

Visual Journal

To be honest, I don't think I have much work for visual journal because most of the ideas feed into either studio brief two and tree. I also feel that it was difficult to draw from quote as I can't find any quotes that interest me as all the interesting quotes already go to the studio brief two and three. In the future if I had to work with books/quote, I have to make sure that to pick the right book that is suit and interest me.

Thursday 15 January 2015

RESPONSIVE : Printing service poster.

I have a friend in Malaysia who is a student but also opening a printing service, so he asked me to design a poster for him. 

Above is the poster that I designed. It took me all morning to design this which is not long, but at the end he did not use my poster because his partner (the boss) did not like the poster because it too girly.

Sunday 11 January 2015


My mum's friend ( behalf of their club) asksd me to design a poster about flood that is going on in Malaysia asking for donation and the poster will be in Malaysian language.

Here is the detail : 
Tittle : Derma Banjir Malaysia
Salurkan sumbangan ke:
Account Malaysia : 163064236100 (MYBANK) 
Pemilik account : Noor Zaitun Yahaya

Account United Kingdom : 77-85-09, 35473068
Reference : Misi Banjir
Their club logo.

Why do I choose this brief ?

  • To help my country and the citizens
  • I want to designer a poster that have my tone of voice (illustration) in it.
  • I want to play with typography.

What do I want to get out of it ?

  • Try not to use Illustrator
  • Make sure everything is align and legible.
  • Illustrate flood, house(s), rain and cloud(s)
  • I want my poster to distribute over the internet.

What do I need to produce in respond to it ?

  • A poster that contain some information about the flood and their bank detail.
  • Illustrative and interesting drawing that related to the subject.
  • Portrait. 

What do you want to produce in respond to it ?

  • A poster that contain some information about the flood and their bank detail.
  • Illustrative and interesting drawing that related to the subject.
  • Portrait. 
  • A cold colour scheme.


Wednesday 7 January 2015

Feedback form tutorial / Further test for printed picture

I had my tutorial with Fred yesterday and he advised me to go beyond from just making sketchbooks. The tutor said  'just making sketchbooks with saddle stitch' is not enough so he suggested me to do more prints. For example just print my favourites houses, brides and clowns. 

I experimented with layout. I think I will place my illustration in the middle of an A5 paper because it look more professional and I believe that the audience will look at the illustration straight away as it is surrounding by negative space. In contrast if I put the illustration at the bottom of the A5 paper, it will look like a logo (like at the back of book cover) which I don't want to.

Image above are the respond to the last tutorial. I don't like the outcome as I think there are too many negative space and the prints almost have no purpose and lose its texture (because they are too small). 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

3rd 10 seconds animation.

After looking back at my storyboards for my 3rd animation, I realised that I just don't like the idea. So I read the story again and I came put with tis quote that says 'you could be hanged for …' This quote gave me an idea of someone hanged himself and I think it will be interesting and decided to animate the quote.

Below is the story board.

Below are some images that I used for this animation.

I might redo my floor and add a chair and some frames on the wall to create more depth

^ Test 1. Need to refine some movement and add some furniture. As well as the expression.

I think my this animation have no sense of 'shock' compared to my other 2 animations. The tutor suggested me to drop the hanging person at the end of the animation. 

Final 10 seconds animation

Sunday 4 January 2015


I have been looking at my printed picture brief as I read the proposal and reflect with the time and amount of work that i got to do (as well as the financial point of view), I don't think I am manage to produce variety sizes of sketchbook as it will cost me more money (to produce positive for screen print)  and time. To be honest, now I am quite poor. So rather than producing variety sizes, I'd rather produce the same size of sketchbook with variety bookbinding technique.

If I had more time, I produce more illustrations for visual journal and maybe add another 10 seconds animation for the moving picture brief.