Friday 29 April 2016

Peer Review

  • Lack of contemporary illustrators as references and visual researches 
  • check spelling before printing final designs

BBA : Idea Development.

Rest in peace to all my pencils that I wrapped wrongly.  I wrapped pencils using a piece of sticker paper. This took me forever and a whole lot of patience to get the pencils look professionally done

Thursday 28 April 2016

BBA : Research

Image above shows example painted container. 

Pinterest board below shows my visual reference for this brief.

BBA: Green Container

These are the green containers that need to be painted.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Bradford Beekeepers Association Paint A Container


The illustration above is a collage version on the Leeds museum  that I submitted.This illustration is slightly different than the original one (click here). The amount of insects are much smaller and I only  put mosquitoes, ladybirds and worms.

Packaging for the Idiom stationery pack

  • I used 300gsm piece of paper for the box as it is strong and thick. I used a 200gsm before but the box ended up really fragile.
  • I experimented with printing my pattern onto tracing paper which is the pattern turn out a bit duller but still acceptable to use on the packaging. However, the duller effect have made the packaging less busy with bright colours.
  • For the box's lead, I used acetate. I used double side tale to stuck the acetate together.
  • Wrapping the mini educational cards, pencils and the sketchbook on a piece of tracing paper have made the packaging looks tidier. 
  • Originally, I wanted to put two sketchbooks, but I ended up put only one sketchbook on the packgaing because the weight of mini cards and two sketchbooks are not equal - make the two sketchbooks side heavier than the other. 
Free 10 animal stickers !

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Time to submit

Done all the boards and illustration. Now it is the right time to submit it. Wohoo. What a productive day. I also submit some existing illustrations so the judges can imagine what the final illustration will look like. 

I will submit these boards to


My e-mail to the Museum.

I might do a digital collage version of this illustration. Just for fun; just to reward myself for being so productive.

This competition brief related to the previous brief which was to produce a large scale illustration. I decided to drew a garden illustration because at the same time I was starting the Bradford Beehive Association brief which allowed me to draw a lot of flowers and plants.  

Final Design

Creating this illustration took shorter than I thought, this was due to I am good at using illustrator and managed to focus 100% . Personally, I think that this illustration is too busy. Maybe if I had had more time I would love to cut down the amount of incests on the illustration



Final idea and inspirations

This is the rough sketch of the final design. 
The trees will be on a variety height
I will add some insects such as butterflied, ladybirds, mosquitoes, worms and snails.

Illustration above is by Lisa Congdon and  is my main inspiration for the project. 

I want to draw onto the window so bad. Hopefully if I win this competition I got to draw onto the Leeds Museum wall. Number 1,2 and 4 is by Yoko Furusho. She is also my main inspiration of lines stuff. I love her illustrations especially when she draw on windows. 

Idea development

I showily developed my ideas on my sketchbooks. As usual, I was thinking to give up but my inner self keep telling me to keep going. In total, I sketched around 21 A3 pages of my sketchbooks page.

To do list for today.

Monday 25 April 2016

Reference Images- Secondary Research

Reference Images- Primary Research

I had few ideas to illustrate for this project. Originally I was thinking to illustrate a map Leeds, but then I think that idea is too mainstream and some illustrators already illustrate map of Leeds. Then I decided to do a little 'Insect Kingdom'

Aww. Thats sound so cute.

Tuesday 19 April 2016


I cannot believe it that my design actually have been shortlisted ! I totally designed my illustration the night before I present to the Plusnet staffs.

Ga Zatul go.

Monday 18 April 2016

Primary Research on Greeting cards

  • cards are not in A (A4,A5 etc) format
  • illustrative cover and colourful inside 
  • interactive style of illustration?
  • use foil a lot
  • pop out typography (the NANA card on one of the image above)
  • glitter

Plusnet final design

Image above is my design for the Plusnet wall. The wall is facing the Plusnet customer service office, so I want the staff to feel welcome, motivated to work and to feel like 'home'. To convey these meaning, I mixed typography and illustration e.g. 'Hello Sweetie', 'Smile', 'Best Wishes love Santa' etc. 

The style of the artwork is doodle and it have 5 colours - red, green,yellow, blue and white.

^Final board

The purpose of this design was to create an illustration that would be painted in front of the Plusnet office in Leeds. The concept was to welcome, motivate to work and to feel like ‘home'. I did not win the competition but I got shortlisted which made me happy as I had designed the illustration only the night before I presented it to the client. This is not a good habit and  I will improve my time management. 

Tuesday 5 April 2016

To do list.

I can feel that my brain start to out of focus, so I decided to do a to do list. Creating a to do list is good for myself and my brain to focus and concentrate. I realised that if I don't create a to do list, I will sate my time on doing something unnecessary such as on Facebook or watch movie etc.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Main inspirations

Follow Zatul's board Mural Grafitti on Pinterest.

My main idea that I had on my mind is not to draw narrative but to draw a lot of tiny objects that related to Plusnet for example:- computer, telephone, internet etc.

I want my design to have a limited colour pallet, maybe around 3/4 colours and have no outline and shade at all. I am also considering to add some type such as 'Good morning' or 'Eyup' or 'hello'.

I want my illustration to boost the Plusnet staffs' energy and determination to work  just by looking at my illustration. Also make the staff feel pleasant and happy to work at the company.

Saturday 2 April 2016


Image above is their (Plusnet) unit selling point which I have to convey through my design illustration.

These are the wall that hopefully will be cover by my illustration (if I win hopefully); However if I do not win, I still be able to help the artist to paint the wall.

The shape of the wall.