Wednesday 18 June 2014

Unsuccessful experiments.

I had so much fun with lino from studio brief one (initial) so I decided to do a further experimentation  with it. But instead of using lino, I used a cupboard.

Basically how I did was, I got a piece of cupboard and stuck my illustration onto of it. Then I used a scalpel to cut the cupboard into my illustration shapes. I used acrylic paint and a roller. I thought it was going to work but I was wrong. The cupboard create more texture than I thought but I like the texture tho. I used only one colour paint because I was planning to scanned and manipulate it in Photoshop but this experimentation is not working so yeah.

Because I really like using a roller,I used a scalpel and cut a piece of cupboard into some shapes until it look like my illustration like images below.

Then I used a roller and paint. I like the effect as they are not as busy as my previous unsuccessful experiment. However, I do not know if it suitable with the editorial illustration style. If I have more time maybe for other project, I might explore more this technique.

We did a BigHeads with Ping Zhu and I thought to try her technique. So first of all I did a pattern like below
by using watercolour paint and a brush.

I manipulated them but I don't like the effect so I decided to give up on this. But I like the green colour after I changed the Hue/Saturated. 

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