Monday 1 February 2016

Background drawing.

The dimension for this concertina book is 115metre, double side. I don't know if I will have enough time to finish this off. As the deadline for this brief is in 3 weeks. 

I went on google map to take a snapshot of New Dock Hall, where one of  venue of the Though Bubble every year.  

I then traced the image (sort of) and do it my way. At first, I found it was difficult then I asked myself 'How do you make this image in Zatul's way/style?'

Image above is the result ! It was not so difficult after I put my feeling into the illustration. I think, maybe instead of illustrating chicken and coffee shop, I should illustrate an exit door of the hall and some reflection of people inside the building. 

This only the background, I still need to add some people (wearing costume) on the foreground. 

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