Monday 29 February 2016

Idiom 10

Idiom 10 : Escaped from a crocodile's mouth, goes into a tiger's mouth (Accidentally)
Meaning : Keep getting bad luck after one another.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Idiom 9 : Final

I managed to change the tiny fishes to yellow, I think they look nicer and more obvious ( can be see recognise easily) compared to the green colour.

I also changed the direction of the eye ball so some of the tiny fishes look at the big fish and some of them are not. As previously, all tiny fishes look at the same direction which in real life would be impossible. 

At the very beginning of the project, I was thinking to illustrate 30 Malaysian idioms but I slowly getting bored of this project. So I decided to do 15 but now I think I will illustrate just 10 idioms. So one more to go ! 

Idiom 9

Because my initial idea that I sketched on sketchbook not on the right propotion, I decided to redraw it on Ps then did digital collage.

The big fish represent one of my favourite saltwater fish and it is in red colour (in real life). It is my favourite fish because it is so delicious, especially when my mam cook the dish. yumm

I think I might change the small fishes' colour because green is too dull for a blue background. I think to find a colour that contrast with blue colour. 

Idiom 9.

Idiom 9 : Ikan kecil makanan ikan besar (Small fishes are food for big fishes)
Meaning : Small people (citizens) are always under the government's command/order.

Image above is my idea development for this idiom. I think this idioms very easy and straight forward to illustrate. I will illustrate my very first idea (top left).

Friday 26 February 2016

Final video engineering colouring book.

Working on a live brief is totally new to me especially this was the first brief that I got paid to do an animation/artwork. I learnt a lot of new stuff while working on this brief. For example:

1. I did not discuss about the price before I start working instead I worked for how many hours that I feel like which is bad in real life (industry).
2. Always listen carefully to the client's idea - I was so nervous so I did not listen very carefully, maybe in the future I should bring a voice recorder or something so I can listen to the conversation again.
3. Pay attention to deadline - well I don't miss the deadline, but yeah. I was so busy but I almost missed it but I did not. Thank god.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Final Illustration for idiom 8.

I cannot judge my illustration for this idim anymore because I have been starring at this illustration too long but I think the sky is too empty. Then I decided to get Paul, one of my peer's opinion.

Paul said the sky looks just fine and maybe add more rocks into the illustration. Then he suggested me to get 2nd opinion. Then get Lauren in. She suggested the same.

Then Image above is the outcome. I might use this for my final illustration for idiom 8.

I finished illustrate idiom 8 however, I don't think it illustrate the idim 8 much. This is because the river is too small and looks like the fox crossing a puddle by using a wood instead of a bridge made out of wood, which what the idiom really meant, 'A fox crossing a wood bridge'. I think I might start again and finalise one of my other idea. 

Be right back !

Wednesday 24 February 2016


I am struggling to get the eyes of the fox look right. Hmm.
I just add a glass for fun. In the illustration, I will not put the glasses.

Go Zatul ! Don't even dare for you to give up.
I came out with 10 ideas to illustrate this idiom but I think I will illustrate the middle column, the sketch on the right hand side because it have the most interesting perspective. My backup sketch to illustrate will be the first sketch (top left). 

These images above are my main inspiration for this idiom. I think by illustration a fox walking on a wooden bridge will make more sense to the audience than the wood full of wonky trees and have a fox walking about.


Engineering Colouring Book - test. from zatul on Vimeo.

My original idea was to have some part of the illustration moving about, then when the title come out, the page start to appear in colour. However Kerry suggested me another idea where she wanted someone colour a page of the colouring book.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Idiom 8.

Idiom : Di mana kayu bengkok, di sanalah musang meniti (If there any wonky wood/trees/brances, there will be foxes walk about)
Definition: Di mana ada tempat yang tidak dijaga dengan baik,di sanalah pencuri datang (If you less be careful, there will be thefts around you)

When I read about this idiom in more depth, they portray that the fox is walking on a wooden bridge, however, in my mind, I had an idea of a wood full of wonky trees and have a fox walking about.

I think I need to start sketching and see what will come out. 

Idiom 7: Final.

Illustration above is my final design for idiom 7. However, I am still not sure if I should make the branch that the fox standing on it should be a bit brighter or not because the colour of the branch is quite similar to the fox's legs (the darker fox's leg)

Idiom 7 :

Image above is my idea generation for this idiom. My favourite sketch is the bottom right sketch where a fox walking on a tree branch and it is the most straightforward to portray a fox with chickens' feather. This is because the audience can see 100% of its body.

Unfinished idiom 7.

Monday 22 February 2016

Fabric print

I printed one of my character onto fabric. Originally, I wanted to make a cushion, howerver because I was busy with all other briefs and modules, I kind of forgotten about this and did not sew the fabric.
Idiom 7 : Bagai musang berbulu ayam (Like a fox that have chickens' feather)
Definition : Do something good to cover bad deeds

Images above are my reference images.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Follow Zatul's board Envelope for Concertina book on Pinterest.

Pinterest board above shows my idea for my concertina book's envelope. In the envelope, I will put some informations(detail) about the fishes and a background about my concertina book.

Out of all images on the board, I prefer:-
This is because the envelope is simple and easy to make. to be honest i was planning to create an origami envelope but it is not practical for the audience because origami needs some skills and knowledge of folding.

I am thinking to do the title in foil technique.

Final design - concertina book.

These both illustrations are my concertina book final design which will be print onto both side of a piece of paper. 

I did not put all 10 type of saltwater creatures because the illustration get too busy. 

I was so struggle with this brief because this is my first time making artwork using this format (concertina) but I manage.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Finally !

I was so struggling to illustrate stones. I tried to make big stones, small stones and lower the opacity, but they still look wrong. After I had a long thought, I decided to zoom in everything.

Then I added a few pants and stuff and BOOM. Everything looks beautiful. I am one happy girl.

I finished all my temple to put in the concertina book. 

While I was looking at some photographs of tanks on pint rest, I found that each tank have their own theme. So I think I might give my tank a theme as well, which is temple. Temples remind me of my first primary school in Malaysia, as my school was next to a massive temple and surrounding by mountains - relating to the idea of 'My aquarium'. - MY = personal.

I might make the right temples look 3D as the rest of the temple to make them look like a set and I will add plants !

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Idiom 6 : Final Design

Image above is my final design for idiom 6. I made the snake yellow colour so it stands out. I also made the leaves' tree different design compared to the opposite trees' leaves so the snake looks more stand out.

For this idiom, I do not have any reference images because I am scared of snake and did all my idea generation by imagined the angles and perspectives. This is good (maybe) because this shows that I am capable to do perspective drawing without even looking at any reference images. 

I think I am improving on drawing especially perspective drawing. 

I don't think this going to work because I need to do more drawing of tank decorations.

Please Zatul. Do not give up. You've already went to 2 pet shops for your primary research. Let's make this work !

Monday 15 February 2016

Idiom 6 : Sketch and Finalise

I had few ideas but i think i will illustrate the bottom middle sketch as it have an unusual perspective of drawing.

Eventhough I used the sketch that I scanned, I still redraw it roughly so I can get the right shape of the sane.

Hmm, I don't think the green colour snake is suitable because the key object is the snake but there is too much green which made the snake looks dull.

This will be a rough base of the aquarium. I scanned my drawing them placed them digitally in Ps. I will add fish randomly and let's keep drawing !

Research Visit 2

I also went to another pet shop in Leeds, but this time is a pet shop near the market. I ased the cashier for a permission to take photograph and he said 'yes'. This time I less nervous than before which is good.

I think went into research visit is very helpful as I got to see more real life, 3D aquarium stuff (fish, corals) instead of just using the google images on a flat computer screen. This also have increase my confident on asking permission at any shops before take any photos.

I decided to make my concertina book smaller. So the current dimension for my concertina book is 88.2cm (Width) and  22.5(hight)

These are my main sketches for this brief. I have a lot more sketches on the my sketchbooks.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Idiom 6.

Idiom 6 : a chicken laying eggs on a paddy field.
Definition: Someone who lives easily and richly without having a financial problem.

This is the 6th idiom. (ignore on the image says this is idiom 7)

Images above was me trying to draw paddy leaves.

I am so struggling to illustrate paddy field. So I decide to manually illustrate it on a light box then went on Ps to digital collage it.

I don't think I can keep up with this idiom. I think I will change the idiom to 
'A snake with two heads' which means 

Saturday 13 February 2016

Final design for Idiom 5

This illustration above is my final illustration for idiom 5. I honestly don't know to think if this illustration is finished or not because I don't know if the audience can tell that animal on the right are dogs. Maybe I should ask my peers  about this.

Digital time.

Firstly, I used the brush tool to create a shape of an elephant and a dog as guidance then I added some colours and digital collages. I rarely do a sketch digitally because I feel more comfortable to do it manually then scan or take photo of the sketch then trace it in Photoshop. I think do a sketch in photoshop and manually have not many differences. I used to feel so difficult to do a sketch manually but now I am quite good at it because I have been using a graphic table a lot.

I was thinking to add some small trees behind the elephant to add more depth but I don't think it necessary because they distract the focal point of the illustration

Initial idea

My initial idea is to illustrate one or a few dogs barking behind an elephant's tail. 

Contextual References

Key object for the illustration: an elephant and dogs barking