Tuesday 1 December 2015

I had a table at Thought Bubble festival in November 2015. I think the brief was successful in terms of making money and boosting my confidence in selling my work but the process of making illustrations was unstatifactory. I enjoyed the festival and making money but I did not enjoy producing the artworks. I think for this studio brief my illustrations are so bland as they does not have any meaning - lack of concept. I also created fan art which I did not enjoy at all and probably will not create any fan art in the future. I also focused on illustrating heads too much because of lacking confidence in illustrating the body which. After this brief ended, I realised that I am good at brining concept to life. If I had a table at a  festival in the future, I would love to sell my own work instead of a mixture of fan art and my work. I would also love to sell a lot of prints instead of products such as hand bound sketchbooks and wooden badges. I hardly blogged this studio brief until May which was unprofessional; I found it was difficult to blog everything  afterwards as all the evelopment work happened in November which was six months ago.

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