Friday 11 December 2015

Test 4

Comp 2_4 from zatul on Vimeo.

I am very please with my current animation. So yeah. I really hope that my animation will attract the target audience as much possible.

test 3

test 3 from zatul on Vimeo.

  • I don't know if I should make some gap between 'Delicious' and 'Today's topic is..'
  • 'Too many wiring for 'There are many different kind of fruits..' maybe I shouldn't type all the writing but illustrate it so it will be more suitable for 3-5 years old children. 
I have an idea where i will place all the fruits on the screen then the fruit will scale up whenever its name been called. I don't know how to explain this. For example.. 
'Apple' then fruit apple will scale up. 

Thursday 10 December 2015

Test 2

Fruit test 2 from zatul on Vimeo.

Video above is my current stage of my animation.

  • the word 'topic' on its own sounds weird, so I might need to rerecord Adam voice says 'Today's topic is…'
  • Fruits running around with the blue background looks so wrong. Look less professional. Maybe I'll take that out.
  • Shall I add a '?' at 'Did you know that fruit is so yummy'?

Number one.

The next part of the animation is number 1, which is 'Fruit is so delicious'/'Fruit is so yummy'.
Additional point : 'For example pineapple, apple, rapes, pear, banana, cherry, watermelon, orange and strawberry'. I wanted to add  'Hmmmm yumm yumm' 

I need Adam to say First, Second and Finally. 

It is not 10.16am and Adam is late ! He is still not here

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Fruit test 1

fruit test 1 from zatul on Vimeo.

This is my experimentation of the title of the animation. I am using Adam's voice and need him to say the word 'Subject'. I am still thinking if I should you the word 'topic' instead of 'subject' as the target audience is 3-5 years of age and I am so scared if I use complicated word.

For the background sound, I am using "Locally Sourced - Jason Farnham", I emailed him, asking if I can use his mdic for the background as this is a competition and will be submitted. He have not reply the email yet.

I booked the voice recording studio tomorrow to record more voice for the animation. For now, I am very please with the animation. Long live animation!

I want my title, 'DELICIOUS' to be jumping about and I am keen to learn new animation technique on AE. So I decided to go on YouTube to search 'After Effects text tutorial' and I came out with this.

Good and easy and I am not experimenting with this !

Tuesday 8 December 2015


Top left: sketches of my popsicles
Top right: an experimentation

I don't think my popsicle looks professional enough because it does not look like a popsicles. I am struggling with the colour of the shadow. I might need to get some contemporary 'popsicle illustraion'

Two images above are some image references that I think might be useful for my illustration. The shadow used is subtle white colour and I like how some popsicles have fruits in it which what i'm trying to illustrate. 

Saturday 5 December 2015

Idiom 2 : 'Katak dibawah tempurung'

Idiom 2 : 'Katak dibawah tempurung' (like frog(s) underneath coconut shell)

Definition: 'Orang yang terhad ilmu pengetahuannya dan tidak tahu hal yang berlaku di sekelilingnya.' (A frog which leaves under a cocunut shell will think that the shell is the world.  So, one who is like the frog will have no knowledge of things/events/places outside his ‘world’.  He refuses to venture out into the world-he remains ignorant but is happy with it.) -webiste link

Tuesday 1 December 2015

I had a table at Thought Bubble festival in November 2015. I think the brief was successful in terms of making money and boosting my confidence in selling my work but the process of making illustrations was unstatifactory. I enjoyed the festival and making money but I did not enjoy producing the artworks. I think for this studio brief my illustrations are so bland as they does not have any meaning - lack of concept. I also created fan art which I did not enjoy at all and probably will not create any fan art in the future. I also focused on illustrating heads too much because of lacking confidence in illustrating the body which. After this brief ended, I realised that I am good at brining concept to life. If I had a table at a  festival in the future, I would love to sell my own work instead of a mixture of fan art and my work. I would also love to sell a lot of prints instead of products such as hand bound sketchbooks and wooden badges. I hardly blogged this studio brief until May which was unprofessional; I found it was difficult to blog everything  afterwards as all the evelopment work happened in November which was six months ago.

Slowly building the background and never give up. This is why I want to do this brief as it allow me and forcing me to illustrate some depth in my illustration which I am not very good at it.

I can see that I am getting there. I just need to stop giving up and start playing around with the illustration's background

Researching background

I decided to go on YouTube to look at some aquarium video to observe how its background look like.
I might do my background silhouette. 

Image above contain some sketches for the background. Let's do this thing !

Stuck with background.. still experimenting....