Saturday 17 October 2015

Lazer cutter.

I went to the wood workshop, the technician said that

I need to induct myself to use the facility. I need to book it at my administrator which is Tom. The lady that specialise on laser cutter in on holiday so he does not know much about laser cutter.

I might go to Vernon Street to use the laser cutter as the technician over there know me more and I am more aware of the system (the technician do the laser cutter for me instead of me do the laser cutter by myself, but I already book an induction which I probably going to end up do the laser cutter in Blenheim walk. For now, let's go to Vernon Street.

Simon, the technician in vernon street said that to use the laser cutter is free and only pay for the wood. If i bring my own material then I do not need to pay anything.

Booked my laser cutter induction at Blenheim walk on Wednesday the 11 November 2015, 1 PM

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