Monday 19 October 2015

Lazer cutter

Image above are some sketched then I drew then in Ai. The size of the brooch that I am wanting to create is approximately 5x5cm as that is the size that get after measured some of my button batch. I think 5x5cm is not too big and it is not too small.

I wanted some part of the fox head to be raster, but of course at this time I know nothing about laser cutter. But I think this is a good start. Now I need to think about packaging. Hmm.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Lazer cutter.

I went to the wood workshop, the technician said that

I need to induct myself to use the facility. I need to book it at my administrator which is Tom. The lady that specialise on laser cutter in on holiday so he does not know much about laser cutter.

I might go to Vernon Street to use the laser cutter as the technician over there know me more and I am more aware of the system (the technician do the laser cutter for me instead of me do the laser cutter by myself, but I already book an induction which I probably going to end up do the laser cutter in Blenheim walk. For now, let's go to Vernon Street.

Simon, the technician in vernon street said that to use the laser cutter is free and only pay for the wood. If i bring my own material then I do not need to pay anything.

Booked my laser cutter induction at Blenheim walk on Wednesday the 11 November 2015, 1 PM

Wooden Brooch

 So I went to google image and I found this. Wooden brooch was not originally that I want to do but I think it will be interesting for me to experiment with laser cutter and wood. Okay now, I need to :-
1. Go to wood workshop and ask few questions. These are questions that I need to ask the technician:-

How think is the wood and how much ?
Do I need to pay for using the facilities, if so how much?
If I want to paint the wood, is there any specific type of paint ? How do I 'finish' the wood?

2. Design some other stuff on Ai so I can laser cut them.
3. I already have the pin (to stick behind the wood) at home.

Friday 16 October 2015

Harry the Cat

I like cats and Harry Potter,  so I decided to mix cat and Harry Potter together.

I experimented with 2 different techniques which are digital collage and digital line drawing. After I done the line drawing, they reminds me of wooden button batch. Hmm, might search into wooden button batch to see if it possible to create for the Thought Bubble. 

Pattern cat 2.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Cat last

I went back to look at my sketches and I found this. I think this illustration will look good as a cover for my sketchbook. The cat look friendly and feminine too

I was struggling with the eyes. After I had a couple of tried, I decided to leave the eyes and come back later.

Below are the final result. I might add some background later.


I made some lovely collage of fishes. I might put these onto one of my pattern. 

Pattern - Cat

These are my sketches for my illustration - which will be a pattern of cats

Wednesday 14 October 2015


I started of by doing a digital collage. After I stared at it, I realise that this illustration would not going to work and decided to do a digital painting technique instead.

There was two main problem when I was illustrating this character. 
1. The face
2. the hands. 
After I had some imputes from my peers, then it worked ! He advised me to look back at the characters and look at other fan art from other people.

Final illustration. I still think the hands are too skinny. 


Based on a song that I have been listening to, there is a quote says 'I wanna shelter you'.

I think 'I wanna seller you' is a beautiful quote. then I decided to illustrate it. I cannot be help but to draw cats instead of human. I have been obsessing with cats since I was young. So yeah.

This took me a few attempt to get the position
This is the final illustration. The final product for this illustration will be a postcard/greetings card. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015


One of main skills that I wanted to gain while doing this brief is to improve my drawing cats of animals especially cats and foxes. I was so bad at drawing cats at first but I keep drawing and drawing; at the end I can see that my drawing of cats have been much better. 

Monday 12 October 2015


After I had a lot of doodling around of drawing cat (as I was bad at it) I decided to draw a batcat. Image above is the sketch of a batcat.

Images above are the final result. I was battling with myself as I am not sure if I should put the left leg of not but after I had a long thought I go with the right side of the illustration. 

I was struggling with the eyes ut after I was looking at other illustration's cats' eyes then I found this tutorial which helped me a lot !

Saturday 10 October 2015

Friday 9 October 2015

Thought Bubble is a coif art festival. Most people that go Thought Bubble is interesting in comic or tv shows e.g. Star Wars, Harry Potter and Pokemon. These are possible fan art that I will create:-

  1. Pokemon
  2. Spongebob
  3. Joker
  4. Nintendo
  5. Family guy
  6. Avatar the Last Airbender
  7. Superheroes 
  8. Naruto
  9. The Simpsons
  10. Adventure Time 
  11. Star Wars.
I will also create some artwork about foxes, cats, owls and gods because I am not good at drawing them and would be interesting for me to learn to draw them. 

Products that I'm thinking of creating are:-
  1. Tote bag
  2. T-shirt
  3. Sketchbook
  4. Stickers
  5. A3 prints
  6. Greeting cards
Good luck Zatul !

Monday 5 October 2015

Briefs idea.

Brief 1.
Create a pattern then digitally print it on a piece of fabric. If more time sew the fabric onto variety objects for example dress, pencil case, pillow case. 

Brief 2
Create a set of design plate than can be print onto different sizes of plates and bowl. Create plates and bowls yourself. Theme : Floral and fauna? target audience: young adult/housewife/mother. 

Brief 3.
Create one animations between 1-2 minutes.(Click at image below)

Brief 4.
Create some greeting cards. Print the greeting card digitally then use the foil screen print technique to add some shines.

Brief 5.
Create a calendar for 2017/2016