Wednesday 30 March 2016

House pattern and submission

This is the result of the houses sketches that I have dont. This piece of pattern is unsuccessful because :-
  • The colours - the colours used are not suit with each other and ended up the illustration look very dull and unattractive
  • I will not submit this to the client.
  • If i had more time I would love to experiment with different techniques and processes such as fine-liner, paint and mix media techniques.

Final boards:
A competition to create a pattern for Crispin Orthotics.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Extended practice

I will further develop this brief by designing a stationary pack.

Image above is my main inspiration. I took above images from WHSmith.

This what I will include on my stationary pack.


Oh god, I am ready to print my concertina colouring book, 'my doodle book' and the packaging, but the digital print room is close until next week !

Thats mean I can do more work and print everything on Tuesday !

My doodle book

These are the from and the inside cover of the 'doodle book'  The size of the book is 12.6cm (W)x11cm(H). Then I will stitch the book by using a book binding technique. 

This is a mockup of my packaging; The left side of the box will have the concertina colouring book, the middle side of the box will some coloured pencils and the right of the box will have My Doodle Books.

Then I will wrap the concertina colouring book,coloured pencils and My Doodle Book with this pattern (above).

House reference images

Colouring page

Image X

Done the colouring page. Now I need to design behind page of this.

This image above is the back page of the image X

Tuesday 22 March 2016

The making.

Let's get this done today !

Concertina Packaing

Old Packaging
The design of this packaging is similar to an envelope. 

 New Packaging

Compared to the previous design, this packaging actually wrap the concertina book instead of placing the concertina book inside the envelop like previous design. Neither of these two are successful because I accidentally made a hole at the middle of the packaging to work as a locker.   If I had more time, I would love to investigate more into making a packaging for my concertina book

Monday 21 March 2016

I think i will stick to the layout of concertina book. Other than colouring book, I will also produce like a pack of stationary, so I will create a box then in the box will have a colouring book, a few 'my doodle books' and some coloured pencils.

Image below are my main inspiration.
I went to WHSmith, they have a lot of stationary on the top floor (which I never been).

I am thinking to make the box's lead acetate like image above so the buying can see what inside the box. But I don't know yet. 

Colouring book.

I did a tutorial with a tutor, he suggested me to go beyond a print as I spent a lot of time to come out with ideas. I went to town few days ago, i realised that colouring book is a current thread; so I decided to make a concertina colouring book of My Aquarium. 

I am not sure if i should keep the layout and size or I should make the colouring book like books on images above.


At the end, I decided to create a simple shape of envelope and all the information about the fish will be on a piece of card then I will insert together with the concertina book.

Friday 18 March 2016

Made some new texture for my next Crispin Orthotics illustrations.
The brown texture will be the skin and the shell of the turtle

Crispin orthotics

I wanted to mix turtle + Turkish tiles. The reason I want to mix these two items together is because turtles are one of my favourite animal and I went to Turkey last summer and their tiles are absolutely beautiful.

I was inspired by these photos that I took above for the pattern on the turtle's shell. I might do digital collage this time instead of traditional collage. This is due to I am lack of time! There are so many things that need to be done with this so little time !


Wednesday 16 March 2016


My first pattern that I will submit to Crispin Orthotics is the top left illustration.


I digitised the cactus. I deleted their background by using the pen tool. However, I think that their edges look too clean. I prefer the bottom right one which I did not delete the background but just changed the level of the image - looks more realistic as cactus in real life is spiky.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Cactus collage

Experimented with collage. Let's make some patterns and have some some !


This time I experimented with mix media, for example coloured pencil, water colour, felt-tip and pencil.  My favourite cactus is the top right. The colour scheme and the green is just perfect. I am not sure if I should do further experimentation. We shall see.

This mix media technique create a friendly and happy tone of voice which indicate that even though they are wearing an orthotic, they are still have a chance to be happy in life.

I was so struggling with my Big Kehuna brief. I honestly was unhappy and have no idea what I want to do for this brief. I soft of ran away from my Big Kehuna brief by dying my PPP and other briefs for 603.

I was doing my PPP last weekend and I made a list of companies that I want to contact before and early easter period. There were 4 companies and 3 of them are greetings card and gift wrap companies.

Furthermore, I was doing my Crispin Orthothic yesterday, and I just figured out that I want to create and design greetings card and gift wraps for my big kehuna.

Follow Zatul's board greeting cards on Pinterest.

1. Graduation
2. Baby -Boy
3. Baby - Girl
4. Birthday.

Monday 14 March 2016

Final Big Kehuna Brief

Collaborating with Will to make some textures.
We discovered a new texture that have the same effect as screen print by using a cardboard as a squeegee.

I am loving it. 

Wendy Kendall Designs

Wendy Kendall Designs are amazing. She produce a lot of pattern. I love the use of limited colour pallet and white background for her patterns. I also love how she mixed her line drawing and shaped illustration onto one piece of pattern. 

 I should try to mockup my pattern with other than tote bags and bottle such as bedding, dresses and sofa etc.