Tuesday 30 September 2014

Neil Gaiman

My powerpoint


Lin Yutang

William Shakespeare

Aldous Huxley

Neil Gaiman

Peer review:-

We did a task. We need to write Who, Why, the author's life, interesting things about them, text/language used, culture, society, history and some quotes from his book that i have read.

Then from that I visualised them.

I have read only one book by Neil Gaiman called ..
(I bought this a few days ago)

Themes that I came out after I read this book are:-
  • Obey
  • Willingness 
  • Love
  • Spirit
  • Family
  • Trade
I decided continue with 'trade' theme and now I have to pick 3 motives. The one that I highlighted are the one I picked.
  • Equal
  • World
  • Object
  • Shipping
  • Money
  • Shopping
  • Fair trade
  • Sell
  • People
  • Equal
  • Coin 
These are my 10 images of each motives (30 images all together)

Lines task 1

I like this task it is an eyes opener. I tried to not go to google images to look for different type of lines as I thought that count as cheating and I wanted my brain to think and be creative. 
I really like the fact that I have to came out with 15 different lines, it made me realise that there are so many different type/pattern of lines that be created by using a pen.

The making of.. lines task 2

  • The bolder the lines are, the longest the time it take to create the drawings.
  • Not all lines suitable for all objects. e.g. zigzag lines might not suitable for a human but suitable for wire.
  • I found out that silhouette task hard because I tend to did it wrong. 

Lines task 3
  • To make the foreground stands out, I had to make it bold compared to the mid and background.
  • I don't think I did this lines task 3 well because there are no sense of depth in drawings.
  • The drawings look abstract.
Collage task 1:-
The making of my collage by using a craft knife (left) 
Negative and positive (right)
  • I used a craft knife, a pen and different type of papers.
  • I am really enjoy using a craft knife but it hurt my hand. However the outcomes come out really beautiful especially the hair.
  • I had had to draw it first before cut them to make it accurate.

The state of my table when I did my collages. 

Collage task 2:-
  • The top half looks empty. If I had more time I will add some details so it create some depth
  • I don't think this collage have some depth. I think this is due to the colour of green (mid ground) looks darker than the blue (foreground). 
  • To improve this piece I have to use a darker shade of green.
Collage task 3:-
  • I added some pattern by using a fine-liner. 
  • I used a pencil colour to create the skin colour tone for the face and hand
  • Collage tasks took longer than the line tasks i think this because it enveloping cutting, sticking, layering etc.
My 16 line and collages work.
  • I think my collages work are completely out of my theme. I created some characters from my references of paper money.
  • My comfort zone : working with shape, bright colour and making little playful characters. 
  • I added some detail on my collage by using a fine liner
  • To create some textures, I used a mercer pen, ink, coloured pencil and by crumple the paper.
  • I think mix media can create a very beautiful and outstanding artwork. 

Peer feedback.
From my feedback, my peers said I need to convey the emotion of strange and dark on my in… collage. So I went to the library to look at some artworks/illustrations that convey have that intangible feel toward it.

My intangible researches.
  • Monochrome
  • The colour not bright
  • Drew something unexpected e.g. small head with a big body
I don't know what to expect as these style of illustrations are 100% opposite than my comfort zone. But hopefully they'll turn out well.

These are some of my collage that I did in respond to my previous crits.

Figure 1 and 2. 
  • I think my collages came out really well, I am surprise with the results  even thought each one of these collage took me an hour to get them done.
  • I tired to tone down the college as well as the texture.
  • I used tracing paper, card, charcoal, biro pen, hole punch, a mar ken pen and more to produce these collages.
  • I feel so good with my outcomes even though I am out of my comfort zone. I think I might explore more into collage and this theme which are 'strange' and 'dark'

Peers feedback. I only had a few feedbacks because I went to the TDAP meeting and came back to studio a bit late. 

I think I have learnt a new style of research e.g. from a author>theme>3 motives> create some illustrations>create new themes. >> Interesting